April 20, 2014

Wall Hooks Tutorial

I just added a new tutorial to Instructables.com for a set of wall hooks using supplies I had left from my jewelry rack project. Go check it out!

April 8, 2014

Family Matters

So, things are still hectic around here, ergo my blogging schedule has been hit or miss.
Last Saturday, we were three hours from home for Lily's OM tournament. Unfortunately, her team did not win in their category, and will not be going on to the World Finals in Iowa.
The other team from her school took first place and will be going on to compete again next month. We wish them the best of luck and are pulling for them!

In other news, my dad has just spent the last eleven days in the hospital, fighting off pneumonia. Naturally, while he was in there, they found lots of other things going on with him. He had an accident in 1992, and has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years or so. When he fell, he suffered nerve damage that has been gradually degenerating over time.
This past February, he fell and it looks like he tore his left rotator cuff. That was basically the one straw too many, and was what initially sent him to the ER last week in the first place. Today, he was released from the hospital and admitted to a long-term physical rehab center. They are going to help him lose weight, try to get his diabetes under control, and work on that shoulder every day.

We are really optimistic that this intensive physical therapy is going to benefit him, but it's going to take time - like, three months or so. Because my mother doesn't drive, I am going to be spending a lot of time on the highway. (We live about fifty miles from my parents' house.)

In an effort to try to adjust schedules and exert a bit of control over this new (albeit temporary) lifestyle, I have spent today doing a complete overhaul on the menu board. With the weather warming up, it was time to swap out recipes anyway, and tomorrow is grocery day, so it seemed like the right time to do it. For the foreseeable future, all of our meals are going to be thrown in the crock pot before I leave to be ready by dinner, or it will be items I can throw in the pressure cooker and have done in minutes. (I <3 my pressure cooker. It is my kitchen bff.) I am also making sure that these are recipes I can mix up, put in a zipper bag and freeze. No muss, no fuss, just a quick semi-defrost in the microwave, drop it in the crock pot and go about my business.

I am not sure that the blogsphere needs another "crapload of crockpot meals" post, but if anybody really wants to know what I chose, I suppose I can post it. Since the recipes are Pinterest finds from all over the internet, I might try to review them as we try them out. Time permitting, of course.