January 17, 2014

New Year, New Blog

So I am giving the blogging thing another go. I really don't know why I find it so hard to keep up with; back in the day, I had a Livejournal that I updated religiously.
In any case, I am trying this again.

The current state of my life is as follows:
  • I will be turning 40 just shy of three weeks from now. I don't FEEL 40, so I refuse to act that way. 
  • I am currently a SAHM with Daughter#2, who starts kindergarten this fall. 
  • When Daughter#2 starts school, I will be looking for a day job - still not sure what that's going to be, but if I can avoid anything with a uniform, that would be stellar. 
  • I am currently trying my hand at writing fiction, so we'll see how that pans out, re: a day job.
  • Daughter#1 starts Middle School in the fall. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. I hate how quickly they are growing up.
This blog will most likely be home to my various DIY projects, possible testing ground for my writing, and just a place to collect, celebrate, and/or complain about the things that happen in my life.
IF I can force myself to update now and then. 


  1. My new blog is all about doll stuff! Crafting yay! <3 Also FIRST haha

  2. Add me to your blog roll and I'll add you to mine. :-D
